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Northern Kenya Leaders Call for Control of Khat, Muguka as Muslims Mark Eid-al-Adha


GOOBJOOG NEWS | GARISSA: Northern Kenya leaders have called for have called for a ban on the consumption of Miraa and Muguka in the region saying the stimulant had ruined the lives of many youths and contributed to poor performance in schools, high dropout and divorce rates.

Speaking during Sunday’s celebration of the Eid-ul-adha celebration in Garissa, Kenya, Muslim clerics called on local leaders to ensure controlled consumption of the stimulants for so as to protect the youth.

“Young men are abandoning their wives due to indulgence in the chewing of miraa and muguka,” Sheikh Bilal Ahmed Bilal said and called upon youth in the area to shun using the stimulants.

Osman Shariff Awkay, a youth leader said the effects of miraa and muguka could not be overstated and that no scientific evidence was required to prove their devastating health effects.

“We all know the health implications of the stimulants and don’t need scientific proof to show it has ruined lives and families,” he said.

Kenya’s Defense Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale reaffirmed his support for the ban in Northeastern and Coastal counties.

Duale stated that he would not relent in his campaign against the stimulant which he termed as a dangerous drug that was destroying the future of the youth.