NUSOJ Condemns the overnight arrest of a female journalist in Garowe, Puntland

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemns the arrest of a female journalist on Thursday night by the Puntland police in Garowe, the latest in a string of violence against journalists in Somalia.
Police in Puntland arrested a female journalist Fatima Ahmed Mohamed of Radio Daljir on Thursday night on August 6, 2014.
Puntland officials did not comment the arrest of the journalist, but local journalists believe that her arrest is believed to have been connected to a news report about siege of Puntland State Television by local clan militias angered by multiple sacking as reported by local media.
The National Union of Somali Journalists condemns the arrest and calls for her unconditional release.
“It is disappointing to see that journalists are being jailed for their reporting.” Mohamed Ibrahim, NUSOJ Secretary General said, “We call for the Puntland authorities the unconditional release of the female journalist and respect to the media freedoms in the region.”
Puntland Parliament recently approved draconian media law aimed at oppressing the freedom of expression in addition to taking away the rights of the journalists and the media houses, which Somali journalists called for the President of the regional state of Puntland not to sign the bill.