OBITUARY: Pakistan nuclear scientist AQ Khan, at centre of proliferation scandal, dies

KARACHI, Pakistan, Oct 10 (Reuters) – Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Pakistani nuclear scientist who acknowledged being part of a nuclear proliferation ring, died on Sunday. He was 85.
Khan was admitted to Khan Research Laboratories Hospital on Aug. 26 after testing positive for COVID-19 and was later moved to a military hospital in Rawalpindi, said the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan.
“He was loved by our nation bec(ause) of his critical contribution in making us a nuclear weapon state,” Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan on Twitter. “For the people of Pakistan he was a national icon.”
He was at the centre of a global nuclear proliferation scandal in 2004 that involved sales of nuclear secrets to North Korea, Iran and Libya. After a confession on national television, Khan was pardoned by then-president Pervez Musharraf but he remained under house arrest for years in his palatial Islamabad home.
“He helped us develop nation-saving nuclear deterrence, and a grateful nation will never forget his services in this regard,” Pakistani President Arif Alvi said in a tweet.
Prime Minister Khan, who is not related to AQ Khan, said the scientist would be buried at Islamabad’s Faisal mosque, according to his wishes.