One soldier killed in landmine explosion near Kismayo town

One soldier has been killed and two others were injured after Jubbaland forces and Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) military convoy hit landmine near the southern port town of Kismayo, military official said Monday.
A commander in Jubbaland forces, Hassan Iraqi said one soldier and two others sustained light injuries after their military vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb near Abdalla Biroole village.
“One died and two others wounded in an explosion caused by landmine buried on the roadside by Al-Shabaab fighters,” Iraqi said.
He said the allied forces launched security operation between Abdalla-Biroole and Kismayo town.
Mohamed Ali, a Local resident says the armored vehicle was damaged in the blast.
Ali refuted reports saying AU troops had clashed with Al-Shabaab fighters after the explosion.
AMISOM did not comment on the attack, which was the latest in series of ambushes by Al-Shabaab on the AU and SNA convoys in southern Somalia.