Operation Atalanta Flagship ESPS Galicia trains with Galmudug Coast Guard

The Spanish warship, ESPS Galicia under the EU Naval Force ATALANTA (EUNAVFOR) this week conducted a maritime training with the Galmudug Coast Guard as part of its efforts to bolster local maritime capacity.
The training, which included both theory and practical exercises covered the maintenance of outboard motors and boat embarkation procedures.
The maritime guard were also trained on emergency medical procedures. The (EUNAVFOR) said the training exercise with the European Union’s regional partners help to develop a mutual understanding of martime security and counter-piracy efforts in the region.
Operation ATALANTA was launched in 2008 at the height of piracy along the Indian Ocean waters covering Somalia and the Gulf region. Its operations now cover the Southern Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the larger part of the Indian Ocean, including Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros and Somalia.
It has been instrumental in providing security to World Food Progamme and African Union backed force AMISOM vessels and other vulnerable shipping. It also supports other EU missions and international organisations working to strengthen maritime security and capacity in the region.