Planning Minister Gamal tables Statistics Bill in Parliament

Planning Minister Gamal Hassan today tabled the National Statistics Bill for first reading in the Lower House paving way for debate on the Bill which aims to streamline collection, processing and dissemination of statistical information for public use.
The Bill which was approved by the cabinet last month envisages the creation of the National Statistics Bureau which will be responsible for collection, compilation, analysis, publication and dissemination of statistical information, and the co-ordination of the national statistical system.
“This law is establishes the Somali National Statistics Bureau which will document and store all statistical material in the country,” the minister said. “It will have the power to sue and itself capable of being sued.”
The Bureau, the Minister said will be headquartered in Mogadishu with branches across the country.
The Bill is a major milestone in helping the government collect much needed data for policy decisions and gradually ease off overreliance on international organisations and institutions even for basic data.
Parliament is expected to debate the Bill in the coming days.