PM Abdiweli: The federal government put measures in place to control the spread of Ebola

The federal government of Somalia is making efforts to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus to the country.
Prime Minister Abdiweli speaking immediately after he returned from a successful bilateral trip to Burundi said his government will take all steps possible to stop Ebola virus in reaching the country.
“ We are very much concerned about the spread of Ebola virus in West African countries, the federal government puts measures to control its spread” PM Abdiweli said.
He said the government put strict measures in place to screen the peace-keeping troops and the other people coming from abroad.
Recently Ambassador Sidikou learnt with great concern about the case and wishes to assure the Somalia people and the international community that AMISOM had already put measures in place to ensure that no soldier from the Sierra Leonean contingent is deployed to Somalia without stringent screening as they prepare to make their contribution in Somalia.