PM Abdiweli: We want independent media to help secure and stabilize this nation

The Prime Minister of Somalia Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed has met with the local directors and journalists from the independent media houses in Mogadishu on Monday evening.
The meeting focused on the most recent improvement towards the country’s press freedom and the ongoing security operations in the capital which partly affected the work of the local media after at least two radio stations were shut down on Friday following government allegations on incitement motivated by the clan favoritism.
The media representatives generally expressed their concerns towards the behavior of the government’s security officials who many of them do not understand the work of the independent media and the role it can play.
The journalists asked the Prime Minister to make sure that the government Somalia will no longer need a dictator government which restrain and allow every Somali citizen to practice his/her rights fully in accordance to the law.
Prime Minister Abdiweli Shiekh Ahmed stated that his government’s policy is to protect freedom of speech and come up with free media that is capable of guiding people.
“We want the men and women working in the independent media to help secure and stabilize this nation. My government’s position is clear, we want stable, democratic and united Somalia.” PM Abdiweli said.
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister Ridwan Hersi Mohamed, Minister for Information Dhuhulow, government spokesman Ridwan Haji Abdiweli and directors of more than 20 media houses in the capital.