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PM Barre Lands in Jubaland to Boost War Efforts Against Al-Shabaab

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS/KISMAYO: Prime Minister Hamza Barre has this afternoon arrived in Kismayo, the capital of Jubaland following a military victory against Al-Shabaab last week.

The PM clad in military outfit was received by Jubaland president Ahmed Madobe alongside senior military officers and government officials.

The PM’s visit comes a week after a joint offensive between the Somali National Army and the Jubaland state forces killed about 100 Al-Shabaab militants in Afmadow district in Middle Juba region.

According to a statement from the PM’s office, the Prime Minister will be meeting with the soldiers to salute them for their efforts in fighting Al-Shabaab.