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Police in Mogadishu Arrest Dozens of Social Media Users for ‘Indecent Content’

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS|MOGADISHU: Police in Mogadishu have arrested 40 social media users over accusations of ‘spreading immorality’ and disrupting public order.

Banaadir Regional Police Command said it arrested the suspects following an operation targeting users most of whom use the social media platform TikTok.

Among those who were arrested yesterday is 19-year-old Fadumo Sahal Sharif who is accused by police of promoting ‘indecent acts.’

“The reason we are focusing on the fight against immorality is our belief that building social order is a fundamental responsibility of the government,” the Banadir Regional Police Command said.

The Somali Police Force has been tracking down several social media users whom it has accused of posting ‘indecent’ videos, especially on TikTok. It has also raised concern over what it termed as the spread of tribal hatred by some of the social media users.

Somalia banned TikTok last August on the grounds it was used to spread terrorism and immoral acts.