President Farmaajo reiterates resolve to wipe out Al-Shabaab in maiden domestic visit

President Mohamed Farmaajo Sunday made his first domestic visit outside the capital Mogadishu to Baydhabo while reiterating his government’s resolve to crash the militant group Al-Shabaab and calling for public support.
Flanked by ministers and a number of MPs, President Farmaajo told a gathering his government was committed to ensuring their security noting humanitarian efforts remained hampered by closure of access roads by Al-Shabaab.
“The country is at war. Do not sleep but give a hand to the government so that we can fight these terrorist groups. We have given our sons who were misled two months to come back and be integrated into the society,” the President said.
President Farmaajo pledged government’s support to open up roads to ensure humanitarian relief efforts are not interfered with.
The President is also expected to hold talks with the regional president Shariff Hassan Adan particularly with regards to the troops integration programme which the Federal and State governments endorsed during a three days meeting in Mogadishu last week.
In the agreement which established the National Security Architecture, forces from regional administrations will be integrated into the national army or federal and state police in three months starting June.