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President Gaas obstructing multiparty politics- UDAD party chair

Storyline:National News
UDAD party chairman has accused President Abdiweli Gaas (pictured) of obstructing path to multi-party politics in Puntland. File Photo: Online

The chairman of Puntland’s UDAD party Said Mohamed has accused the state president of Abdiweli Gaas of attempts to frustrate opposition parties and the realization of multi-party democracy in the northern state.

Mohamed told Goobjoog News despite 20 years of existence as a state, little progress had been registered in Puntland towards multi-party politics.

“This system (multiparty) is not progressing. It is being obstructed by the Puntland president. After 20 years of Puntland state formation, nothing has changed,” said Mohamed.

The politician noted some politicians were opposed to multi-party politics as they feared they sould lose in the elections if it is implemented.

He underscored the importance of the public to defend and shape their lives for the better through public demonstrationd to express their dissatisfaction on the state of affairs and to demand to elect their own leaders.

“The best way for implementation is by public awareness; for them to stand up through public demonstrations for their interests because they are the ones who are on the receiving end on the effects of mismanagement, corruption, health problems and poor education services.”

Gaas was elected January 14, 2014 for a five year term which expires next year.