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President Mohamud Appeals for Humanitarian Aid as Death Toll from Floods Nears 100

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Federal Government of Somalia president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has said 96 people have lost their lives due to floods caused by ongoing Elnino rains pounding various parts of the country.

In a televised address to the country Wednesday, president Mohamud also said one million people have been displaced by the floods which has also destroyed 140000 households and swept away property including 4000 livestock in various regions of the country.

President Mohamud also said the foods has destroyed infrastructure facilities including bridges especially in Bur-Dhuubo and Baar-Dheer cities and appealed for humanitarian aid from both national and international organizations to help the millions of people affected by the floods across the country.

He stated that the floods were due to heavy rains that have been experienced across region which is recovering from several years of drought adding that the government had formed a special committee to coordinate the relief efforts and is working hard to reach the victims, who need shelter, food and medicine.

He also called on the public to mobilize and take part in the rescue operations, saying that the Somali people are resilient and can overcome this challenge.

He further thanked the countries and organizations that have already responded to the crisis and expressed his hope that more help will arrive in due course.