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President Mohamud departs for Eritrea on Official Visit

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Federal Republic of Somalia president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has departed for Eritrea where he is scheduled to hold talks with his counterpart Isaias Afwerki in Asmara.

According to a statement by Villa Somalia, the official residence and workplace of the President of Somalia the meeting is expected to focus on critical issues related to security and bilateral relations between the two nations.

The leaders are anticipated to deliberate on matters of regional security, fostering cooperation, and exploring avenues for collaboration in various fields.

This visit marks a crucial step in the ongoing efforts to enhance diplomatic relations in the Horn of Africa region.

As the leaders engage in high-level talks, the international community closely watches the developments, recognizing the significance of regional stability in the pursuit of peace and prosperity.