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President Mohamud exudes confidence in winning war against Al-Shabaab

Storyline:National News, Security

GOOBJOOG NEWS | LONDON: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has reiterated his government’s resolve to defeat the militant group Al-Shabaab.

Speaking at the UK based think tank RUSI,  President Mohamud expressed confidence in the ongoing military operations and other efforts in defeating Al-Shabaab.

“I am confident that, with our common determination and our government and people’s joint efforts, Al-Shabaab can and will be defeated once and for all,” the President said. “To ensure this happens swiftly and sustainably, we need to capitalize on the positive momentum against them in our country.”

The President also lauded the role of international partners in supporting the Somali Security Forces nothing training, equipment and mentorship.

The remarks come amid continuing military operations and build up to the lifting of the arms embargo. Sources have indicated that the UN will announce the end to the embargo next month marking over three decades since the arms import restrictions were imposed on Somalia but the UN Security Council.