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President Mohamud Meets Defense Officials to Review Military Operations

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Federal Government of Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Wednesday held a high-level meeting with officials from the Ministry of Defense to review the ongoing military operations in the country.

Government sources said the meeting was convened to discuss the latest military offiensive by the Somali National Army against the Al-Shabaab militants in Jubbaland state.

The military chiefs present at the meeting briefed president Mohamud on the progress of the offensive which they said had resulted in the liberation of various areas previously under the militants’ control.

The president commended the national forces for their bravery and dedication in fighting the militants and restoring peace and stability for the Somali people.

President Mohamud further stressed the importance of maintain the current momentum of the war, calling for all national security agencies to coordinate and forge a unified offensive so as to ensure victory and total liberation of Somalia.

He also urged the international partners to continue supporting Somalia in its war against Al-shabaab saying Somalia’s success was crucial for the stability of the Horn of African region and the world.

The meeting concluded with a resolution to intensify operations against Al-Shabaab and liberate the remaining areas under the group’s control.