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President Mohamud meets with U.S President Joe Biden 


GOOBJOOG NEWS|NEW YORK: President Hassan Sheikh met with President Joe Biden at the reception of world leaders participating in the 77th session of the UN General Assembly hosted by the US President.

The President pointed out that the US has been a reliable friend to Somalia and a crucial partner in the fight against terrorism and ensuring regional peace.

“The United States is a strategic ally and friend for Somalia’s development and progress, and we look forward to further strengthening our bilateral ties to advance regional peace,” President Mohamud wrote on Twitter.

President Hassan Sheikh’s ascension to Office in May was well received by the Biden administration. Shortly after his election, Potus authorized the redeployment of US special forces to Somalia, and a number of airstrikes targeting the Al-Qaeda-linked group have since been carried out.

The Somali President had stated after his election that he would work closely with the U.S. on economic development and seek support to defeat the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization that is causing instability in the country.