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President Mohamud urges UN Security Council to lift arms embargo

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | NEW YORK: Federal Government of Somalia president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to lift the decades long arms embargo that has hampered Somalia’s efforts in fighting terrorism.

President Mohamud observed that Somalia, which is among the countries worst affected by terrorism needs access to weapons to combat terrorism and safeguard its citizens, especially due to a UN-mandated troop drawdown of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia.

“Let me state clearly that Somalia of 2023 is not Somalia of 1992,” Mr Hassan told the Security Council.

He called for the reassessment of the situation saying Somalia has made significant progress in establishing an effective system of managing weapons and ammunition in line with the United Nation’s guidelines.

“I implore you, distinguished delegates, to support our call for the complete lift of the arms embargo on Somalia. By doing so, you will empower us to assert our sovereignty, effectively combat terrorism and build a peaceful and prosperous future for our nation,” he said.

The president further pointed out that the threat posed by terrorists in Somalia extends beyond the country itself, affecting the entire world saying the terrorist group Al-Shabab has continued to wage deadly attacks in the country despite a major government offensive supported by troops sent by the AU.

ATMIS Drawdown

The African Union has already kicked off its drawdown of 2000 troops in line with the United Nations resolutions as Somalia gears up to take up the challenging responsibility of maintaining the progress made by the African Union Transition Mission (ATMIS) forces in securing the country.

The Federal Government has however stepped up its training and recruitment of more security forces to fill in the gap left behind by ATMIS forces and ensure that peace and stability is maintained across Somalia.

Catriona Laing, the new UN special representative for Somalia, told the council that the government’s operations have degraded Al Shabab militarily and dislodged its fighters from a number of areas which is “a notable achievement.”

She however warned that Al Shabab remains a significant threat noting an attack at the Pearl Beach Hotel on June 9th by Al-Shabaab militants that killed nine people, which.

In January 1992, the Security Council imposed a complete arms embargo on Somalia due to a raging civil war and a deteriorating humanitarian situation.

  • By Fauxile Kibet