President Mohamud welcomes adoption of Counter Terrorism Strategy

Mogadishu, April 7th, 2015 HE the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, welcomed the government’s adoption of a new strategy for countering the threat of terrorism in Somalia. He commented: “The Federal Government of Somalia knows all too well the pain that terrorism causes a nation. This is a comprehensive, sophisticated strategy that is the result of wide-ranging research and analysis. It is also distinctively Somali in its approach and that is why this strategy has my complete confidence and the confidence of the government.”
HE the President continued: “Somalia has seen many false dawns but the one constant and enduring reality throughout the many setbacks has been the faith of the Somali people and the service of the many men and women of the Somali military and police service who, despite the very real dangers, have continued to fulfil their solemn duty to protect the Somali nation against all enemies.
“The Federal Government of Somalia is, therefore, determined to fulfil the obligations it has to the population and to the men and women of service who heroically confront on a daily basis those who wish to harm the Somali nation, through the provision of both an effective legal infrastructure and also more tangible signs of support such as uniforms, vehicles and the equipment needed to pursue our enemies both within and beyond our borders.
“Over the past two years the FGS has striven to design and implement a security strategy befitting the aspirations of the Somali people, one based on the rule of law, human rights and due process. The counter terrorism strategy is the culmination of this effort but it should be noted that this is only one pillar of the Somali government’s greater security and stabilisation policy – but a tremendously important pillar.
“We have all witnessed al-Shabab’s cowardly attempts to obstruct the development of our nation and our neighbouring partners but the government’s forces have, over the past two years, consistently degraded al-Shabab’s ability to disrupt the daily life of the nation.
“Despite terrorist attacks and assassinations, extortion and intimidation the government and the security forces continue to move forward with the aim of realising the hopes of the Somali people for a more pluralistic and democratic society. This strategy outlines not only the government’s intention to fulfil its obligations towards the Somali nation but also clearly demonstrates that the counter terrorism strategy in Somalia is keystone of our efforts to rebuild our nation.
HE the President concluded: “Finally, our goal as a nation is for Somalia to once again become a peaceful country, at ease with itself, confident of its future and playing a positive role within the region. In the shadow of al-Shabaab’s recent outrages at the Makka al Mukarama hotel and on the university campus in Garissa, northern Kenya, this strategy provides us with the framework to render al-Shabaab irrelevant in Somalia and across the region.”