Press Release of President Hassan Sheikh over the Prime Minister’s visit to Puntland

Mogadishu, 10 October 2014: Today, the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia is visiting Puntland which is a part of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
I believe very strongly, as does the Prime Minister, a united, strong and peaceful Somalia is possible only when our collective voices are heard and when our ideas and efforts are united and committed to our national cause. Puntland is a leading state when it comes to the federalism process.
This historic visit is part of our collective commitment to listen and consult broadly and repeatedly so that the Federal Government can work for all of us. I commend the Prime Minister and President of Puntland for their efforts. This visit coincides with the Somali National Flag Commemoration Day- 12th October.
Today, the challenges of our nation are truly pressing, but none are as strong and lasting as the resilient of our people. With commitment and with the grace of God, we can and we will have a united and peaceful Somalia by 2016.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of Somalia is expected to visit the semi-autonomous region of Puntland where he is scheduled to meet President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali to discuss issues among them the relation between the federal government and Puntland.