Prices of farm products in mogadishu shoot up

Price of agricultural products hit the sky in Mogadishu’s markets after many roads leading to breadbasket towns in the region have been damaged by heavy rains.
The price of maize, beans, millet, simsim and different kinds of vegetable have skyrocketed and many traders in Mogadishu are expressing concern over the situation.
A greengrocer at Hamarweyne market, Bisharo Ahmed said farm outputs in the town have shot up since floods spawned by heavy downpour damaged roads.
“100kg bag of maize reached 600,000 shillings (US $30), up from 550,000 Somali shillings (US$ 27) which made many poor families and even traders who want benefit, to express concern,” she said.
Many access roads in Somalia have not been upgraded since 1980s as there was no capable government after Somalia’s strong dictator’s rule demised.