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Prison Guard Posthumously Honored for Foiling Prison Escape in Mogadishu

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: The Somali Custodial Corps Commander, General Mahad Abdirahman Adan Monday announced a posthumous honor for a Mogadishu guard prison guard who died in  duty during the recent attempted escape from the central prison.

Hassan Hussein Rage was killed after he refused to hand over keys to suspected Al-shabaab militants who were attempting to escape from the correctional facility.

In the ensuing melee, Rage threw the keys outside the prison’s walls, thwarting the attempt by the militants to gain control of the facility and escape.

During the incident, five attackers and three prison guards were killed.

“There are soldiers who died there, and we will erect a monument to honor them. Hassan Hussein Rage’s actions during the attack were crucial in preventing a larger disaster,” the commander said.

Adding, “He had the keys and threw them outside (of the prison) and was shot. This man sacrificed his life for the country. His bravery will be recognized with a posthumous promotion and the construction of a monument in his honour within the prison grounds.”

At the same time, Somalia’s Attorney General has ordered a thorough investigation into the attack to uncover how the militants obtained weapons inside the prison.

This investigation seeks to hold accountable any individuals who may have facilitated the attack or were negligent in their duties.