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Puntland Authorities Execute 10 Al-Shabaab Militants in Galkayo

GOOBJOOG NEWS | GALKAYO: Ten Al-Shabaab militants were executed Saturday morning by firing squad in Galkayo, Puntland state.

The execution, the second largest in the city in the city comes after the ten suspects were sentenced to death by the Puntland military court after they were found guilty of murdering civilians and government officials in Galkayo, nearly three years ago.

The execution comes as security forces in the state continue its manhunt for Al-Shabaab members who escaped from Galkayo prison 0n August 5, shortly before the executions.

The state’s security officials added that the fugitives, identified as Abdiqani Saleban Jama, Abdullahi Faisal Hussein, and Abdirahman Awil Mohamed are considered highly dangerous and were on death row for crimes including murders and bombings.

The state authorities have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to their capture.