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Puntland, Galmudug Agree to Cooperate on Security, Economic Development

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS|GALKAYO:Galmudug and Puntland have signed a number of agreements aimed at bolstering relations between the two neighbourly states.
The agreements follow a meeting in Galgayo between Galmudug President Ahmed Qoorqoor and his Puntland counterpart Abdullahi Deni.
The two leaders agreed to cooperate in the areas of security, peace and development in the Mudug region.
Puntland controls the northern part of Mudug region while the southern part is under Galmudug.
Besides security, the two sides agreed to improve cooperation in social and economic interactions in addition to implementing development projects especially in areas recovering from conflicts.
The two Presidents also resolved to hold quarterly meetings to ensure the implementation of the agreements.
Both states which share territorial control of Galkayo town also agreed to plan and implement a drainage system for the two.