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Puntland Police Say 800 Road Accidents Recorded in 6 Months, 45 People Killed

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS/PUNTLAND: Road accidents have killed 45 people in the last six months, the state traffic police headquarters has revealed.

Puntland Highway Command Patrol Commandant Major General Abdifitah Saleeban revealed that 800 road accidents were recorded in the eastern state in the last six months.

He added that 188 people were injured and 27 vehicles destroyed.

“In the past six months, 801 accidents have occurred throughout Puntland, and 45 people died, while 188 people were injured, including 109 with serious injuries, and about 27 vehicles damaged,” Major General Saleeban said.

He however noted the number of accidents was lesser than what was recorded in the last reporting period.

In 2023, Puntland police recorded 17,000 road accidents claiming 54 lives.