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Puntland President Replaces His Chief of Staff

Storyline:National News

GaasThe change is seen as an introduction of imminent cabinet reshuffle in which Puntland president wants to appease political groups .

“There will be change and this is introduction of that change” the newly appointed chief of staff Abdinasir Mahmoud Gurey said in a statement.

It’s yet to be identified the concerned ministries of the imminent reshuffle may affect but the change comes in state of strong opposition that puntland president is facing from the MPs of Puntland.

The reshuffle is understood as an attempt by the President to pacify MPs lest not to introduce a motion against him.

Abdiwali Gas is graduate of Harvard University who started his political career as Somali prime Minster in 2010 before his switch to Puntland politics.

He defeated former president of Puntland Abdirhman Farole of highly contested elections in a margin of  one vote . His popularity has been rating down recently and this move is designed to retain his image.

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