Puntland recorded 123 rape cases in 2016 says Puntland prosecutor

In the past few months, Puntland have seen an upsurge in reported cases of sexual assault against women, Puntland prosecutor said Friday.
The brutal gang rape and assault of two young girls has put a spotlight on crimes against women in Puntland state and across Somalia.
Speaking during the release of the report yesterday, Puntland prosecutor, Mohamed Hassan Osman said a total of 123 incidents of crimes against women especially rape cases were reported in the country during 2016.
Osman says the reported rape case happened in different areas in Puntland as the lead is taken by Bari region with fifty rape cases followed by Karkaar (26), Mudug (13), Nugal (11) Sanaag (4) and Eyn recorded two rape cases.
Mohamed Osman Farah, a social worker in Puntland says the public and government need to work hand in hand on the way to punish culprits.
“Everybody needs to get involved to tame this extremely rampant and alarming attack on our girls,” said Farah.
Previous, rape victims found it hard to seek justice because of feeling shame but now thanks to the awareness carried out by women organizations, according to Farhiya Abdi, executive director of Act For Women, a local NGO based in Bosaso town.
“Over the last three years we are seeing a movement where women are breaking the shackles of shame, showing their faces and using their names, making it quite clear that they are not to blame for someone else’s actions against them,” said Abdi.
Late last month, a court in Puntland sentenced five suspects involved in the brutal gang-rape of 16-year-old girls in Galdogob town to a combination of lashes, prison time and a fine.