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Puntland Security Forces Intercepts Explosives Laden Vehicle at Bosaso Town

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | BASASO: Puntland State security forces Monday intercepted a vehicle loaded with hand grenades and other explosive devices at Basaso town in Puntland state, thwarting a potential security threat in the region.

Security sources stated that the vehicle was intercepted at the port town and the driver arrested and taken into custody to assist police with investigations adding that the operation targeted individuals believed to be associated with terrorist groups believed to be hiding around Bari Mountains.  

However, the official statement did not clarify the suspect’s specific group affiliation.

This interception of the vehicle comes as part of ongoing efforts by Puntland’s security apparatus to combat illicit activities and maintain public safety in the region, and underscores the vigilance and proactive measures taken by Puntland’s security forces to thwart any attempts by terror groups to harm residents in the region.

Bosaso town residents have commended the swift response of the security forces, expressing gratitude for their dedication to maintaining peace and security in Puntland State.