Rive Shabelle is drying up

Somalia’s Shabelle river which passes through Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle regions is close run dry amid intense drought in the war-torn country.
Hundreds of thousands and their livestock suffer food shortages in many parts of Somalia.
One of Lower Shabelle farmers who have been relying on the products from the river-fed farmlands said water shortages in the river gets worst day after day..
“The level of river water changed and river still has water flowing but it has changed in colour and the taste,” said the farmer.
According to United Nation, an estimated five million Somalis are in need of food aid after sparse rains triggered drought in much of the country.
Severe water shortages have been the trend for the last few months as water sources in remote areas have dried up and people now fear for the loss of human life due to the escalating drought.
Shabelle River extends from Ethiopian highlands and enters Somalia in Hiiraan region where it passes Baladweyne, Bulabarde, Jalalaqsi and dozens of villages before disappearing into the ocean.
The farmers use to produce maize, bananas, sesame and other fruits and vegetables, with the once broad waters of the river a lifeline for thousands of Somali families.