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Seized boat not here, Eyl administration says

Storyline:National News

Eyl administration has refuted claims that hijacked Iranian fishing vessel with 15 member crew was taken to one of its coastal villages.

The Pirates had seized an Iranian-flagged vessel on Monday after an attack in northern Somalia, according Puntland counter-piracy.

Speaking to Goobjoog News, Eyl district commissioner, Muse Osman Yussuf has rubbished the statement issued Puntland which said Somali pirates have directed seized boat to the coastal villages of Nugaal region.

“As far as we are concerned, there are no failed or successful hijack attempts in his area. The report of seized vessel, reached us from Garowe administration and the coastal villages of this district have seen no hijacked vessel therefore it is upon Puntland administration prove the report” said Osman.

The Somali pirates have Sunday carried out attacks on two fishing boats but captured one from Iran as a Thai trawler managed to escape.

There has been a sharp decline since then, with about 56 foreigners currently being held by pirates in Somalia, according to the AFP news agency.

The number of attacks by Somali pirates dropped sharply since 2012, largely after foreign navies – including those from the US and China – began patrolling the East African coast and private firms put armed guards on their ships.

Somali fishermen have continuously complained of illegal fishing trawlers, leading them to lose their economic opportunities and opted to quit their jobs for safety reasons.