Senators chide Galmudug’s Haaf over ‘interference’ remarks

Two Senators from Galmudug state have dismissed accusations by president Ahmed Haaf that they are bent on undermining the peace deal with Alhusuna waal Jamaa noting they are mandated by the constitution to work for the interests of federal member states without bias.
In a statement Wednesday, Senators Abdi Ahmed Duhulow and Yusuf Geele Ugas said the statements by Haaf ‘clearly violates our immunity and dignity as stipulated by article 78 of the Provisional Constitution’.
“We were part of a delegation of Senators who went to Galmudug state in line with our responsibility outlined in article 61(1) and (3) to mediate any conflict between the federal government and Galmudug state,” the Senators said.
The Senate dispatched 48 Senators to the five federal member states last month to engagement with the state leaders and various stakeholders in addressing the disputes with the federal government. State leaders meeting in Kismayu last month declared non-cooperation with the federal government citing interference and failure to honour agreements. HirShabelle state has since vacated that position declaring cooperation with Mogadishu.
In its preliminary report, the Senate early this month warned that political developments in Galmudug which included impeachment motions were tantamount to damaging of state institutions and urged restraint as they sought an amicable solution.
“We will not accept to politise our assigned responsibility of being Senators of the Upper House, the Senators said in today’s statement. “We will always stand by our role to resolve the conflict among constitutional institutions in Galmudug state.”
“We are calling on Galmudug authorities to solve their differences through negotiation, mutual understanding and compromise and should abide by the Galmudug and the federal constitution.