Senior military commander killed in clash with Al-Shabaab in Bay-officials

A senior military commander in South West state is reported to have been killed in a clash with Al-Shabaab militants in Bay region, officials have said.
Goobjoog News correspondent in Bay region confirmed the incident with government officials in the South West administration who spoke on condition of anonymity. The commander, Osman Maalin Hassan who died during the clash was recently appointed to the position and stationed in Qansah Dheere, the sources said.
The sources said fighting ensured in Qansah Dheere area in Bay region Saturday following an ambush by South West forces on Al-Shabaab bases.
Other casualties on both sides were reported but the exact number is unclear. Officials in South West state have remained tight lipped over the matter, the correspondent says.
Meanwhile, humanitarian workers are reported to have been held hostage by alleged Al-Shabaab fighters in Baidoa. Sources say the workers from a local non-governmental organisation were ambushed and held hostage on their way back to Baidoa town after delivering humanitarian aid in Daynunay location in Bay region.
Authorities are yet to commend on the development.
Goobjoog News