Senior state officials to enjoy state welfare upon retirement, new bill

The government has introduced a bill to parliament aimed at securing the welfare of retired state officers and their families once they leave office.
The bill, which is set to be tabled in parliament soon puts the president 30% shy of his full salary and a bounty of benefits if he or she retires or resigns from office. A retired president will be entitled to 70% of monthly salary in addition to a residential house, security detail, first class ticket for official trips abroad among others.
In the event of ill health and the president is forced to leave office, he or she will be entitled to 60% of monthly salary and all other benefits of a retired president in addition to medical equipment which shall be delivered either to his home or any other place as shall be identified by the retirement committee.
The State Officers Benefits bill also caters for the welfare of the president’s spouses in the event of death while in office. The bill says the deceased president’s wives will get 70% of a retired president’s benefits, a furnished house, healthcare for the family, four security personnel, a driver and four wheel drive car.
President’s spouses
The bill further secures 70% of the salary to the president’s spouses in the eventuality of death. The benefits shall apply to the spouses for all the period they are alive or when the last born child reaches the age of 21. Other benefits will include an equipped government house, a driver and four wheel drive vehicle in addition to health care and two security personnel.
The speaker will also enjoy similar benefits as the president when he retires safe for a reduced security personnel which will be two unlike the president who will be given a full elite unit.
The speaker’s spouses shall continue enjoying the same benefits in the event of death while in office and the same shall apply if he dies after leaving office.
Retired premier
A retired prime minister will also get 70% of his monthly salary in addition to a house, furniture, which shall be replaced once in five years, a luxury car, four wheel drive vehicle and two security guards.
Telephone, water and electricity bills will also be settled by the tax payer for these office holders.
The bill also caters for the deputy speakers of both houses of parliament.
No benefits
However, in the event of an impeachment or exit of office on grounds of violation of section 92 of the Provisional Constitution, none of the benefits shall apply. Article 92 of the constitution provides for the removal of the president from office if he or she is accused of treason or gross violation of the constitution or the laws of the Federal Constitution of Somalia.
The benefits, which are set to balloon the public wage bill will come to effect with the end of term of the current state officers thus President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Speaker Osman Jawari and the Prime Minister Abdirashid Sharmake will be the first beneficiaries of the bill.
Parliament is set to debate the bill in the coming days and if approved will set a precedent in state welfare protection of former senior state officers.