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Several Al-Shabaab Militants Killed, Arms Recovered in SNA Operation in Bokool Region

GOOBJOOG NEWS | HUDUR: The Somali National army Wednesday conducted an operation targeting an Al-shabaab base in in Abagbeday, approximately 20km from Hudur town in Bokool region.

Miliatry sources say the operation targeted high-value Al-Shabaab leaders and that some key figures within the militant organization were eliminated and arms seized.

The sources say the successful operation was aimed at dismantling the terror group’s operational network and comes a day after two key Al-Shabaab members surrendered to government forces in Lower Shabelle region.

Other reports indicates that clashes were reported in Jubbaland state where dozens of suspected Al Shabaab militants were killed, and government forces successfully repelled attacks and safely detonated car bombs.

The operation was part of a broader effort to combat Al-Shabaab’s presence in Somalia.