Severe water shortages in many areas under Gadogob threaten the lives of people

Reports from Mudug region indicate that severe water shortages hit some parts of that region.
The acute shortage of water in those areas has directly affected hundreds of people who previously weakened by serious drought which slapped some parts of Mudug and Galgaduud regions.
Among the areas the acute water shortage hit is Galdogob district.
Galdogob district deputy commissioner, Abdirisak Ahmed told Goobjoog News the shortage of water in the district is caused by prolonged drought and the dry up of water sources, wells and dams forcing of the locals to flee their homes in search of water
He noted that the situations of areas under Goldogob district are getting worse day after day and that can lead people and their livestock to die lack of water.
Mr. Ahmed highlighted that they hired water boozers and delivered water to those areas several times.
Finally Mr. Ahmed called upon federal government and NGOs to respond quick and help these people before the situation become tragic.