SNA is capable of effectively combating Al Shabaab if well facilitated- AU

A well-facilitated Somali National Army (SNA) can effectively combat the Al Shabaab fighters, AU Mission said.
The AU Special Representative for Somalia Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira said more resources to the SNA are needed to enable Somali soldiers adequately secure Somalia.
“The SNA (Somalia National Army) can be able to deter, take on and contain Al Shabaab and create conditions that can make the government provide essential services needed for the people to lead normal life,” Madeira.
“The experience we saw in (other conflicts in) the continent is that if we empower SNA (they will be able to do their job),” he emphasized.
He expressed AMISOM’s commitment to monitor advances and support the Somali security forces wherever they encounter difficulties.
He cited sector three, in the South West, where he said the SNA has effectively controlled Al Shabaab insurgency. “They’re doing it effectively. We are not fighting for them; they’re doing it themselves.”
AMISOM has clustered the country into six sectors to be able to facilitate its operations. Sector three draws Bay, Bakool and Gedo regions, with headquarters in Baidoa.
“Politics, political will and political determination are essential (to overcome) Al Shabaab. But the Somalis themselves will have to come to a political consensus, to what kind of leadership they want, to tackle the terrorist group. We are here to listen to Somalis and give them a push,” noted Madeire