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SNA captures 3 Villages in Bay

Storyline:National News

Somali government forces have took control of three villages recently abandoned by Al-Shabab fighters, SNA officials say.

“Two villages Gurbaan and Kanaana have fallen into the hands of SNA soldiers without resistance but the other one village Mitir, our soldiers

engaged fighting with Al-Shabab fighters for few minutes and we have capture Al-Shabab fighters named Mohamed Ahmed” said Hassan Adan Yarow who

leading the soldiers seized the villages.

Somali National Army (SNA) soldiers have been staging attacks on Al-Shabab controlled areas.

The forces made significant gains against the group by capturing the towns that they had once controlled.

Al-Shabab militants have been fighting to overthrow Somalia’s government since 2006.

The militants have been pushed out of the capital, Mogadishu, and other major cities by government and the AMISOM troops.