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SoDMA to Partner with Humanitarian Agencies in Distributing Aid to Liberated Areas

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Somalia National Disaster Management Agency has announced plans to partner with other humanitarian agencies in distribution of relief and stabilization initiatives particularly focusing on areas recently liberated from Al-Shabaab control.

According to a statement released by SoDMA after a meeting between the Special Presidential Envoy for Stabilization and Civilian Protection Omar Hashi and Somalia National Disaster Management Agency Commissioner Mahamuud Moallim, the two agencies explored avenues for cooperation in addressing the urgent needs of areas undergoing recovery and stabilization efforts.

The statement added that focus will be on regions recently liberated from Al-Shabaab through provision of essential humanitarian assistance and support to communities striving to rebuild their lives.

The ongoing offensive by the Federal Government of Somalia against the militants has seen the liberation of several territories previously controlled by the terror group – necessitating concerted efforts to provide essential services, support livelihoods, and promote sustainable development.

Commissioner Moallim underscored the importance of establishing collaboration between the National Disaster Management Agency and the Special Presidential Envoy’s office to “effectively address the multifaceted challenges faced by communities in liberated areas.”

He emphasized the agency’s commitment to providing timely and coordinated humanitarian assistance to those in need, while also prioritizing efforts to ensure the long-term stability and resilience of these communities.

Envoy Hashi echoed Commissioner Moallim’s sentiments, emphasizing the significance of concerted efforts in providing targeted support to areas recovering from conflict and instability. He affirmed the government’s commitment to addressing the needs of liberated areas and highlighted the importance of coordination and cooperation between relevant agencies and stakeholders.