Somali attorney General: After investigations we found 19 ministries and 3 agencies of involving in money embezzlement and misuse of power

Today the attorney general and auditor general of federal government of Somalia Ahmed Ali Dahir and Farah Noor respectively have appeared before the parliament of Somalia to answer questions after they jointly issued a letter banning the out-going ministers to travel abroad before handing over offices.
The move came after the federal parliament of Somalia voted out Somali Premier Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed in a no confidence motion last week.
The attorney general Ahmed Ali Dahir responding to a question about the motive behind the issue of the letter said that after intensive investigations they found 19 ministries and three agencies working with the ministries of involving in corruption, embezzlement of money and misuse of power therefore issued the letter for the ministers to be held accountable of their responsibility.
The auditor General of federal government Farah Nur said they issued the letter due to the necessity of the difficult situation in the country at that particular time but has given apology.
Members of the federal parliament registered to ask questions to the officials that appeared before the federal parliament.
The attorney general and auditor general will come before the federal parliament for the second time to answer the questions of the lawmakers.