Somali community in Ankara congratulate Erdogan for his victory in presidential elections

Somali community in Ankara, Turkey welcomed the landslide victory of Racep Tayip Erdogan in Turkey presidential elections.
The secretary of Somali community Farah Abdikarim Sheikh Ali said the Somali community in Ankara celebrated the victory of the former PM and congratulated Erdogan on his victory.
The secretary said the election of Erdogan will promote the relations of Turkey with Somali community in and out of the country.
Turkey has been supporting Somalia in terms of humanitarian assistance, business, infrastructure, development and many other areas.
In a joint statement on Monday Somalia top leaders also sent their heartfelt congratulation to the outgoing Prime minister and the new president of Turkey Racep Tayyip Edrogan’s victory on presidential elections.
The former prime minister of Turkey Racep Tayyip Erdogan got 52 percent of votes casted during presidential elections and became the first popularly elected president of Turkey.