Somali elder calls the militias of warring clans in Mudug region to immediately cease fire

Ahmed Diriye Ali, among the famous elders in South Central Somalia called the militias of the warring clans in the outskirts of Harardhere district to without condition cease fire.
The elder said the clashes in the region will really affect the normal lives of the civilians in the region adding that its harms are more than its benefits.
Mr. Diriye stated that the elders in Mogadishu and Mudug regions will help stop the bloodshed caused by inter-clan fighting.
He called the administrations of Ahlu Suna Wal Jama’a and Himan & Heb to take action of ending the hostilities and tensions between the neighbouring clans in War-shubo locality.
The remarks of the elder follows a deadly inter-clan clash that started in the outskirts of Harardhere district, over 15 people mostly the warring sides were killed and many others wounded.