Somali journalist released by Ethiopian government

A Somali journalist Mohamed Aweys Mudey aka Boqorka Bartamaha, who has been jailed by an Ethiopian court for 27 years was released after the federal Somali government initiated efforts to free him and expected to travel to Mogadishu soon.
Writing on official twitter page an hour ago, federal minster for information, Abdirham Oamr osman (Eng. Yarisow) posted of communicating telephonically with the emancipated journalist.
“I spoke to Mohamed Aweis Mudey through phone who was freed from prison and will join us tomorrow in Mogadishu. He passed his gratitude to the [Somali] national leaders on their considering his request and contacted Ethiopian authorities on his behalf. We thak God for easing this matter for us” said Minister Eng. Yarisow.
Mudey was jailed in 2014 on allegedly charges relating to Alshabab operations in Ethiopia.
Late July more than one hundred Somali prisoners were released from Ethiopian prisons arrived in Mogadishu following agreements between leaders of the two countries.
Separately nearly 65 Somalis have been killed in new clashes in an attack carried out by Oromos according to SONNA News.
The attack took place in Gadule location place in Oromia region in a retaliatory move by the Oromos when Liyuu police, a local force from Somali-governed Ethiopian region earlier attacked them killing 2 of their soldiers.
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