Somali military court sentences three to 10 years in jail for violent robbery

Somalia’s Military Court on Monday sentenced six people to ten years in jail after prosecuting them on armed robbery against civilians in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu.
The court’s verdict came after the military tribunal finalized investigations through the alleged armed robbery which the six involved.
The Somali military court’s chairman, Hassan Ali Shuute announced the court’s verdict. The entire defendants were given the chance to appeal.
“After finding testimonials of the victims with the defendants’ written and verbal admitted to have committed the armed robbery against civilians in Mogadishu the court sentences these six men 10 years jail term,” the Military Court Judge said.
Armed robberies, gang rape and killings are among the highest crime acts in Somalia which most of them are carried out by armed soldiers and some of them to have related to the government forces.
Somali military court has often carried out sentences and executions against alleged Al-Shabaab fighters and murders who frequently target politicians and as well Somali government officials.