Somali MPs announce preliminary conference in Gedo

Members of federal parliament who met in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia announced a preliminary conference which will open in Garbarey district on 20th of September a head of Juba reconciliation conference.
Mohamed Ali Magan among the MPs who attended the meeting said said that they are not aware of the reconciliation conference that Interim administration of Juba is planning to open in Kismayo on Tuesday 16th of September.
He also stated that the federal government of Somalia has no copy of the conference that is due to be held in Kismayo tomorrow.
Barre Adan Shire, a long time rival of Juba administration leader Ahmed Madobe announced that the second phase of Juba administration was rescheduled due to interference from IJA.
The remarks of the MPs comes a time when the chairman of Juba reconciliation committee Abdi Baaley Hussein declared that the administration is determined to open the conference as it was planned.