Somali Parliament accuses UAE of aggression

The Lower House Monday took its fight to Abu Dhabi accusing the Gulf nation of acts of aggression as it banned its port operating company DP World over what it termed as blatant violation of the constitution and infringement on the Somalia’s sovereignty.
In a resolution following a majority motion, the House instructed the Prime Minister to deliver its position to the government of UAE over what it termed as ‘acts of aggression’.
The “The Prime Minister should convey this resolution banning DP World to the government of United Arab Emirate and inform it of its aggression on the sovereignty of Somalia.”
In its response to the ensuing diplomatic row between the countries over the DP World contract with Somaliland, Parliament went direct for the owner of the ports operator accusing the Emirati government of acts of aggression.
The vote reiterated the Federal Government’s earlier position which declared the DP World concession which now includes Ethiopia null and void. But the government did not file a direct response to the UAE government though it petitioned the Arab League over it.
The PM should also urgently table before the House steps and procedures which the government is putting in place to protect the constitution and sovereignty of Somalia, Parliament said.
Out of 170 members of parliament present during the motion, a majority- 168 voted in favour, one to the contrary while another one abstained.
The United Arab Emirates is involved in the training of Somali National Army operating a military academy in Mogadishu.
The UN General Assembly in 1974 defined acts of aggression to include and not limited to use of force against the territory of another state.