Somali Parliament calls for judicial reform and Independence

Somali Federal Parliament calls on immediate reform on the country judicial system, amid heated debate on replacement of the country’s chief justice.
Members of Somali Peoples’ House debated this Saturday a motion that called the dismissal of chief justice as “unconstitutional’.
Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud sacked Somali chief Justice Aydid Ilka Hanaf on 4th of this may after five years in the post.
Parliament emphasized the independence of the judicial branch in country and proposed the resurrection of judicial service commission. “The only way forward for the judicial branch is to reestablish the judicial service commission right now” said Mp Abdi Ahmed Duhulow.
Members of federal parliament accused Somali president Hassan Shiekh Mahmoud for unconstitutional interference to Somali judicial branch.
Shortage of legal professionals and corruption challenges the judicial branch of the country.