Somali Parliament Fails To Decide The Fate Of Jubbaland Parliament due to lack of quorum

Among the challenges the 6th session of somali federal Parliament faces, not many seem as disturbing and as intractable as MPs’ absenteeism and this led Parliament Fail to deecide the Fate of Jubbaland Parliament due to lack of quorum .
As representatives of the people, MPs are expected to be in the House to debate and vote on the tabled motion against newly formed regional parliament of Jubbaland on behalf of their constituents; but time and again, the first deputy speaker of federal parliament can hardly raise the required quorum.
Jaylaani Noor Ikar first deputy speaker stated that Parliament could not hold session due to lack of quorum and this will be third time parliament fails to vote on the presented motion.
Interim Jubba Administration has earlier threatened to cut ties with Somalia Federal government if the Parliament pass the vote of no confidence against its newly formed parliament.
It was 26th last month when Prime Minister Omar Sharmarke has landed in Kismaayo to iron out any differences with the regional administration. The premier held lengthy discussions with his host Ahmed Madoobe in a closed door meeting .