Somali people stand for the help of their brotherly Somali refugees says women’s right activist

Deka Ali Mohamed, a women’s right activist has welcomed “Gurmad iyo Gargaar” which is intended to help Somali refugees in Kenya and Yemen.
“There are so many ways that Somali people can assist their brotherly Somali refugees to come their own motherland, meagre amount you pay can help a Somali refugee suffering in abroad” she said.
She added that the public should be aware of what is happening Somalis in Yemen are out of frying pan into fire.
“Somali government has to look for ways to save Somali and has to sought help in evacuating its citizens from war-torn Yemen” he noted.
For many years, hundreds of Somalis have risked their lives by crossing the Gulf of Aden to reach Yemen in their search for safety and a better life. Many die atrocious deaths – beaten, thrown overboard, eaten by sharks, drowned or asphyxiated in the hold of crowded smuggler boats.
But now the case is different and the other way round, the situation of the Somalis currently living in Yemen is in jeopardy and trapped in the conflict.
More than 24 countries have been moving their
citizens from Yemen in recent months but in the case of Somali refugees, they are waiting nobody but Somali people.
On the other hand Kenya has appealed to donors to take charge of the planned shutdown of the Daadab refugee camp and send Somalis back to their country.
It has also threatened to close the Dadaab camps and send home more than 360,000 Somali refugees within 90 days amid security fears in the wake of this month’s Garissa University massacre by Shebab in which 148 people died.
The question is, are all these Somali refugees Al-Shababs, why Kenya government wants to chase innocent refuges because of what someone else did.