Somali PM sends cordial congratulations to Somali people and all Muslims around the world

Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed sends his cordial congratulations and best wishes to the people of Somalia and all Muslims around world on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.
On behalf of the Federal Government of Somalia,PM Abdiweli hopes good prosperity and progress for his fellow Muslims particularly Somali people.
He urged all Somali people to strengthen the link of brotherhood, security, support and unity between fellow Muslims across the country and calling the public to support federal government’s effort strengthen law and order.
“I call upon Somali people to set aside your internal conflicts and support this government’s efforts of reinforcing law and and order in the country and the wider national programs for rebranding and transforming Somalia PM Abdiweli said.
In his message PM Abdiweli also called the brainwashed youth with Al-shabab to benefit from the Government amnesty before the time runs out.
Similar congratulations was sent by the speaker of the federal parliament, the acting president Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari.