Somali PM: “Somali government will support Dhusa-Mareeb reconciliation conference”

The prime minister of Somali, Omar Abdirashid Ali who visited Dhusa-mareen town on Saturday has commended Dhusa-Mareeb reconciliation conference held for the clans living in Mudug and Galgaduug regions.
The premier speaking at the meeting said that the government welcomes the gathering and pledged they will do everything within their means to support it.
“This delegation come here take part in this meeting, we are going to contribute all our efforts to make it fruitful” the PM said.
He added “The factor that causes the conflict is lack of trust within our people therefore the only method to solve is, to sit and negotiate”
HE Omar said that the formation of administration itself is equivalent to reconciliation because people need to understand one another and share what they have as rightful.
“Unless people understand each other mutually, they cannot share power, so we have to look solution for our differences first” Omar remaked.
He pledged that Somali government will fund the meeting and will also provide the necessary things as to proceed ahead.
Somali interior Minister, Abdirahman Odawaa who spoke at the conference has also applauded the technical committee of the meeting and promised that the government will support them.